Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have been gone for a while but not lost. Life just gets to complicated at times and we find ourselves not making or taking time for things we are committed to. I am committed to this blog and I feel bad I stopped on Arlene, it is actually started and it isn't as though I am at a loss for what to say about her, as with all of my brothers and sisters there is much to say.

I think that I will actually talk about me for a bit. I keep having memories pop up in my mind about family and growing up in a large family. Can I just say that lately I feel like I am so lucky to have the family I do. I was a brat growing up, you know the one that gets into things, other peoples things, and made messes, but I think my most paralysing characteristic was procrastination. Guess what it still is. My sisters see me now as the one who knows how to have a good time,guess why? I put off what I should be doing. Can I just say they have forgiven my childhood transgressions more than I have. Now, although I would like to be remembered for more than the one who knows how to have a good time, it is better than some things I could be remembered for.

Steven Covey in his 7 Habits, says "think about what you would like to be said about you at your funeral and go from there to make it happen". I love that, but could never quite put it to practice. I am not sure what I would like said, I seem to change my mind often. I know I try to find the good qualities in people and use that as an example for me to use in my life. Like when I moved to South Jordan, my neighbor Carol Orme acted like I was doing her a favor when I asked her to tend, or help me out in any way. I was so impressed because when I was asked by someone to help I would go over in my mind what I had going on and if it would work. I followed her example and started saying sure I can do that and then made it work. That made me feel like I was really helping them. I will think about more examples as time goes on. For now I will talk about my brothers and sisters.

When it comes to my family one trait that comes to mind for each member is their kind hearts and willingness to share all they have. My heart aches for people who have no one to go to in times of need, or just someone to make them feel better about themselves. I recently had a talk with my grandchildren and I told them that when I am sad or scared, I go to people I know love me no matter what and that is my brothers and sisters. Maybe it is age or maturity but they have come to accept each other for what they are, not perfect, not all knowing, but loving. So that is something I will work on making them feel loved by me. I want to be that person they want to be around when they are down or sick. I want to give back to them what they have given me.

I think I will post this even though it is only a start so you know I am alive and well and full of love for you all. My husband is trying to go to sleep and I am keeping him awake so I will write some of those memories I was talking about tomorrow.


  1. Oh, I so understand when you say you're not sure what you'd like people to say about you at your funeral--I'm not sure either! But I know that I have lots of good things to say about you; the first one is that you make people feel loved and accepted. I always knew I was welcome in your home and that I was just loved to pieces.

    That is a gift beyond price!

  2. So glad you are back. You are so loved by everyone in the whole family. How blessed to have procrastination as your only fault.

  3. While I was driving down to Austin, I heard on the radio, "You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings." Remember when Roy's girls sang that at his funeral? It's etched in my mind such that I'll never forget a moment of it. Anyway, that's what you are for our family...

    p.s. This is really Jude, using Karina's computer...
